

Microsoft announces Windows 10 consumer launch date, free update

Monday morning Microsoft announced that its next flagship operating system will be available to consumers July 29 as a free upgrade. Most users who have Windows 7 and 8.1 can […]

The First Step To Take If Your Business is Hacked

Do you know what the first thing you would do if your business got hacked? Have you planned for this eventuality or even thought about it? While it’s not a […]

The End of Windows Server 2003 Could Spark Cloud Migration

Microsoft is ending support for Windows Server 2003 on July 14, 2015. Losing maintenance for Windows Server 2003 is a concern as Microsoft will not be providing critical maintenance patches […]

The Impact of Technology on the Franchise World

Most small to medium-sized business owners understand the power of technology to transform their business. Making the right investments in technology at the right time can radically change the face, […]